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Injectables | Pearl Medical and Aesthetics Center

Pearl Injectables

Botulinum toxin is a purified substance that’s derived from bacteria. Injections of botulinum toxin block the nerve signals to the muscle in which it was injected.

Restylane® can be used to add volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

UVLrx blood rejuvenation therapy is delivered intravenously by way of LED fiber optics using 3 distinctive wavelengths of light. Your blood never leaves the body and the experience is both gentle and relaxing.

Sclerotherapy is one of the leading treatments for the removal of spider veins, recticular veins, and small varicose veins because it is minimally invasive, safe and patient may experience minimal discomfort during the injection.

Mesotherapy treatment is a non surgical cosmetic solution aimed at diminishing problem areas in your body such as cellulite, excess weight, body contouring, and face & neck rejuvenation. It is administered via numerous injections containing various types of FDA approved medicines, vitamins, and minerals.

Keloid and hypertrophic scars are elevated fibrous scars that do not regress, and usually recur after excision.

Acne injection is the terrific option for those who want an acne lesion to disappear quickly.

Subcision Acne Scars treatment is a surgical technique to break down certain skin scars that are tethered down within the skin layer.

Platelets are key factors in hard and soft tissue repair mechanisms. They provide essential growth factors, which are involved in stem cell migration, differentiation and proliferation. They also stimulate fibroblasts and endothelial cells to induce new extracellular matrix deposition and neo vascularisation respectively.

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